Monday, June 29, 2009

Grand Opening

Hi Everyone. Thanks so much for visiting me here on my blog.

I'll start by way of introduction...

"Who is the Yarn Yanker?"

I'm the Yarn Yanker (YY for short.) I've been yankin yarn since I was only 5 years old. I'm the 2nd oldest of 7 kids, married to a great man (I'll call him Handsome), and I have two GORGEOUS little girls. I'll call them Pumpkin Doodle (2 years old) and Scooter Bill (9 months.) They are my little bit of Heaven here on Earth. They are also my models, so I'm sure you'll see much of them on here. I am a stay at home mom and it's important for me to be able to stay at home with them as much as I can. Hence my reason for starting The Yarn Yanker.

"What is Yarn Yanking?"

Yarn Yanking may mean different things to different people, but for me, it's mostly just crocheting. I can do a bit of knitting, but I prefer crochet. My mama (Mamie, as she is now known) taught me at 5 years old, and all I could do was chain, over and over and over again. Little did my mama know that I would take it so far. With just the few simple stitches she taught me, I learned to read patterns and create all sorts of things over the past 20 years. That is what yarn yanking is to me.

"Where is The Yarn Yanker?"

I was born and raised just north of Nashville, Tennessee. Tennessee is my home and I will never stray far from it. My family and I currently live right outside Nashville.

My Custom Crocheted Animal hats (great idea for Halloween costumes!) will be in Stores during the Fall of 2009. You will be able to find them at Main Street Toy Company, located in Franklin, Tennessee.

Don't live in Nashville? Don't worry. You can find us at

"How do I contact the Yarn Yanker?"

There are numerous ways to contact me. Convo me on Etsy. Leave a comment here on my blog. Or Email me at

I'm always looking for feedback and new ideas. Please feel free to let me know yours!

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